A 129-acre tract of land to be the home for the new Good Hope Middle School and a new elementary school.
Cumberland Valley school board hosts public hearing on $3M land purchase
Published in the Central Penn Business Journal
The Cumberland Valley School District board will present a plan tonight to acquire a 129-acre tract of land at Bali Hai and Lambs Gap roads in Silver Spring and Hampden townships for $3 million.
John K. Murphy, President,
Alpha Consulting Engineers
(Photo credit: Amy Spangler)
Engineers contrast growth, change in Hampden and Silver Spring Townships
Published in the Central Penn Business Journal
If you're trying to find a metaphor for life, look no further than recent developments in two of the midstate's fastest-growing communities: Hampden and Silver Spring townships, in Cumberland County.
Faulkner dealership during construction of the large detention systems for storm water management.
Large Detention Systems Provide Storm Water Management and Help
Build Sales
Case study published on Plastics Pipe Institute
A new Faulkner Automotive car dealership built here found a way to maximize sales by increasing its display area while also being able to meet environmental requirements.